The CLIQ approach is logical and grounded in concrete instructional design.
While my process tends to be both dynamic and organic in order to maximize flexibility and resources while meeting client goals, it is heavily informed by the Dick and Carey Systems Approach Model.
In the course of actually designing the instructional materials, I find there are two key models that provide a lot of traction:
Bloom’s Revised Taxonomy
This model helps address the level of performance required of the participants. Training can include activities that help learners learn on a continuum of lower order to higher order thinking skills:
- Remembering
- Understanding
- Applying
- Analyzing
- Evaluating
- Creating
Creating objectives and an instructional strategy targeted toward the appropriate level of performance ensures that the training is in alignment with its desired results.
For more on this approach, read my blogs on Targeting the Right Skill Level or Defining eLearning Objectives.
SAVI Learning Modes
This model helps address learner preferences, as well as foster variety and engagement in instruction. The four modes are:
- Somatic
- Auditory
- Visual
- Intellectual
By building training that engages the body, ears, eyes, and mind, we engage the whole learner and maximize retention as well as comprehension.
Other models and concepts that inform my instructional design include Gardner’s Multiple Intelligences, Mager’s Criterion-Referenced Instruction, Kirkpatrick’s Levels of Evaluation, Knowles’ Andragogy, and Gagne’s Nine Events of Instruction.

Screenshot of starting page for self-paced security compliance training for finance employees, developed in PowerPoint.